Any Ideas Who I Look Like??
This is my first picture taken at home by Daddy. I came home on Tuesday lunch time and have settled in well, the house is warm and Nellie is OK with me but Mollie has taken to living in the garage. My first night did not go too well but Mummy and Daddy managed a few hours sleep. The midwife came to see Mummy and me yesterday and Uncle Pip, Auntie Claire and Amelia came and shared our Christmas Lunch with us afetr we had opened our presents that had been left under the tree by Farther Christmas. I was tired last night so slept really well and only woke up twice between 11pm and 9am giving them some good sleep. I have been told that I'm having my first bath at home this morning if I can be bothered to wake up. Another midwife is coming to do the Heel Prick test today and I think I'm going to get some more visitors later. Thank you for all my cards and best wishes you are all sending and look forward to meeting you all soon. Love Thomas David Underwood, Aged 4 Days &15 Hours. xxxx